Saturday, October 11, 2008

Calling All Cashew Lovers!!!!!!

This week I went on a little outing with 21 other ladies. We drove 3 hours North to an area that is not so fortunate. These people are not looking for hand outs...instead they do whatever they can to survive. This group of people shell cashews and get them ready to go to the factory. Each worker makes about 38,000 Dong a day. Sooo roughly $2.25. We were told that this is enough money to support their family. In the first picture is all of the empty shells. I forgot how many tons of shells they go through in 1 day...but I know it was a lot! The kid in the picture is 12 years old. This does not fall in the category of child labor. The mother was sitting at the same table. Since mom has to work all day and school is only until 11am, the child goes with her to work so she stays out of trouble and not roaming the streets. The way they shell them is with a foot pedal. They work very fast because the ones they shell are weighed and this is how they get paid. So if you are having a slow day...less money you get! Did I mention this was in an open building with NO air conditioning. They had a few fans but none of them were on! We were able to taste some and without being processed and salted...they taste more like a walnut. Once they have a certain amount, the cashews are then brought to a factory where they are made so pretty and tasty and then off to everywhere in the world. So now you know the process..The Making of a cashew!