Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Leaving the USA

Well the day has come and we must return to Danny and Abby (the dog) I came here with 2 suitcases and a duffle bag I was forced to use at the airport because my bags were over 50 pounds...anyway, I am going back with 3 suitcases and 2 duffle bags. I did not buy that much stuff while I was here...did I??? We will fly back to Dubai on Saturday 8/2 and then fly to Vietnam 8/7. Once we are settled I will post new pics and find a new name for my blog as "Davidson's in Dubai" will no longer be so true. Im sure I will come up with something! I hope everyone is well. I am so glad we got to spend time with everyone! We will be back for Christmas. Everyone will be missed soooooo much! Keep in touch!


Colette Frazier said...

Jill! I hope your flight back was ok. I can't believe your new house in Vietnam! It's amazing. No wonder the kids are so excited!:) I'll pray for your move.